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Monday 16 January 2012


January 15,2012
FIESTA!!!  It’s our town fiesta today, the Feast Of The Sto. Nino in Arevalo, Iloilo City.   Let’s see how can I describe my day?  Wait I have just the right word for it…“ food overload.”  If that really exists I think that is what happened to me today. Food everywhere! I love food but today is just too much. I think that is what you get if you go house hopping all day, so much food so little space in the stomach!  I wanted to go by the plaza to watch our fireworks display but I needed to soothe my restless stomach so I’m home alone in front of the computer patiently waiting for my stomach to finish its job digesting maybe 5 or 6 courses of food so I can sleep. Sigh…I mean burp!   

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